So now what…..
From 2021…
From my other post we talked about how DJ was having issues and we had to get a 24 hour eeg. So we finally went to the dr and he is now on medication for seizures which is something I really wasn’t expecting. And to help with his mood. Lets talk about my dear DJ and his mood. DJ has been what I am now thinking is tantrum. He wants people to do what he wants when he wants, which is not working in his favor. At one point he only wanted Anthony (Padre) and now he’s on to his little brother. It has been very stressful in the house and now we have a therapist.
I never knew they had therapist for children with special needs. So we have one and it is still not easy. I do not think she knew how to work with with him. So we got another therapist who have worked with special needs kids he was working out okay, DJ was not interested in having someone with him and spent most of his time running back into bed. We than got a behaviorist whom also has worked with special needs kids. DJ again was not interested in her and activities. So, she decided to take him to the park to get him out the house, it kinda worked but he was not progressing nor really participating, so we ended that too. Now we have nothing. He has stopped crying witch is great but we are still struggling. My daughter thinks that he may have anxiety and/or depression which I never really thought was a thing that special needs kids get. I am naïve to think that he couldn’t. I guess I have to figure out how to get that checked out. He is just to himself lately. He has gone back to school to see if that will change anything and it has a little. I am sure he did not like being home and having to wait until I got home to do his school work. His teachers see the change and I feel bad that he is not himself anymore and I have no idea how to help the situation.