Virtual School
So we decided that doing virtual was the best move for DJ. Still not sure how confident I am with that answer. As I said in the last post, we felt like because of who he is and he likes to roam the classroom and talk to his friends and he drools more with the mask so we decided to keep him home. So after I get off of work (5:00) I am home and making sure the house is good, making sure everyone ate, showers etc. DJ and I sit and do work, his teacher gratefully records the zooms for him because he cannot make the live one. Which right now would be a waste. We did a “ meet and greet” via zoom for the class and DJ hid behind his bear and refused to be apart. So we are going to have to do this slowly. We do the zoom meeting then do whatever work he has to do. So far so good….grant it, it’s only been a week. (fingers crossed) We will soon graduate to only his teacher or aide then the whole class.
I am not certain that DJ even wants to go back to school. I think he’s enjoying the fact that he gets to be home with his brother and sister and get to run after the dog all day. But we will continue till we think it’s okay. It’s alot of work on this end of things because my husband works all day and goes to school at night so things can be a bit hectic. The show must go on.
We do things that benefit our children despite what it means for us. As parents we put their needs before our own. and I realize that this isn’t forever and this doesn’t last always. DJ seems more receptive this time around as appose to the March through June school days. So I’ll take that because it was rough.